Cache is a farmboy, loves to be outside, doing things with animals, both extinct and alive! We read about dinosaurs, then he constructed a diorama. We went to the MK Nature Center...
to see fish, ducks, deer, in their natural habitat...he couldn't believe that we could stand outside the actual water level and see what was going on in the river. We saw sturgeon that were up to 10 feet long!
We went over to Borah High School...his mommy's school...found her name on the Lion fountain (the class gift) , then we hit the football field.
Cache practiced kicking and throwing the football...I was the official shagger...look at that, up and over the goalpost! As I would return the ball to him with an underhand toss, Cache would say, "Throw it back like a man, Grandma!" Oh, Cache, if only I could.
We returned to his favorite indoor, blacklight miniature golf course...super fun!