Friday, August 15, 2014

Bailey's Art Camp

I thought Bailey would enjoy Gramma Camp with an emphasis on the we began at the Boise Art Museum:
                                       In the ceramics gallery, this piece represents river rocks...
                                  This huge installation is called Angle of Repose, made with fusible web, otherwise known as interfacing or Pellon in the sewing biz.  In the shape of a cornucopia, filling the space of a gym-sized gallery, this is intricate, beautiful, and truly unique.  
                                   Then we took the Boise Public Art Tour...checking out various styles of architecture.
                              Bailey especially liked the Art Deco Hoff building, inside and out.
                                       The public art "Totems" represent native culture of the Northwest.
                             We took in  the DaVinci exhibit which inspired a Mona Lisa pose.
                             We took a break while Bailey honed her Weathergirl skills...and played with the green screen.
                          We ended our day at the Idaho Shakespeare Festival..."The Merry Wives of Windsor" given a  1940's vibe.  She said, "This has been the best day!"   For what more could a grandma ask?

Saturday, August 9, 2014

The 12s Come Camping!

I couldn't settle on a theme for the 12s camp, so I decided we would just do 12 special activities...they said, "Yay!" 
               We started at Julia Davis Park to ride the paddle is McKena waiting, and waiting, and waiting for Brooklyn and Mia.
                              Finally!!  They caught up with tales of running into the bank, getting trapped in a tree...
                               Whew!  So much fun once we made it to the pond!
                                   We tried to go to Lucky Peak...nice swim.  Unfortunately, the water was being treated with an aquatic, we ended up at Borah Pool and the girls had a blast!
                        One crafty activity was bracelet-making at Need to Bead.
                               The most surprising and creative of our crafts was...
                                     Designing a t-shirt using a bleach pen!
                         Individuality was key...personality emerged...Gorgeous!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Bellamie's Science Camp

The theme for Bellamie's Gramma Camp this year was Science.  When I told her, she said, "I LOVE science!"  Traditionally, we begin at the Story Trail at Foothills Learning Center.  It's our little hike to get our camp started.

                                     This year's story didn't have much of a plot!!
                         Experiment #1...Bouncy Ball...took a while to get firm enough to bounce.
                                Experiment #2..."Blow It Up"  Fast, foamy, and fun!
                                     Have you ever "Baked Soap?"   1/4 bar of Ivory produces this...
                                           Experiment #3

                          She spent some time Friday night in the reading tent...
                            Saturday morning tennis game with Grandma... kept me running!
                                         Experiment #4...Lava Lamp
                                        Experiment #5 Elephant's Toothpaste...we did a few other experiments, kept a scientific journal,  went out for dinner at her favorite restaurant, and enjoyed our time together.