Monday, November 3, 2014

Sweet Sixteen

Our oldest granddaughter has reached the ripe old age of 16...and is she ever sweet! 
                                        We all got together for dinner, cake, and presents!
                                           Everybody sing...
                                      Happy birthday to you!!

Happy Halloween

I only have 4 grands who still go trick-or-treating...they grow up so fast!!  Actually, these 4 trick-or-treated for the very first time last year...while they were living on the farm, there was no such thing!  Their school used to do the traditional parade, and that was fun.  Now, no school parade, but other fun stuff...
                                                 Peter Pan...
                                                 Indian Princess...
                                                  Top Gun...
                                                 and a "girl musketeer"...
                                                    Happy Halloween!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Our American Girl

Last year, Bellamie  was chosen to model in the American Girl Doll Fashion Show.  She decided she would like to try it again this year.  Eden encouraged her to go for it, since her usual goals and interests center around tennis, basketball and flag football. 

                                                 Good job, Bells!

Late Bloomers

We have enjoyed such a mild Autumn...temperatures in the 60s and frost yet!  So, I took a tour around the yard and documented my "late bloomers"...the weather has changed today: high in the 40s and snow in the foothills surrounding Boise. 
                              Geraniums still luscious...
                                      The very last rose...
                                 The dahlias...

              Reed's cousin, Karen, is married to Martin, who is one of the foremost authorities on growing dahlias in the U.S.   I can't seem to preserve them over the winter, no matter how I try.  So, I will take their photos and then say goodbye until next year, when I will purchase the next batch!