Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mother's Day Tour

We decided to go to each of our children's homes on Mother's Day...rather than all gather in one spot.  We have two more birthdays to celebrate in May, which means two more get-togethers.  We LOVE to get together, but Mother's day gets a little hectic, so we decided to celebrate in a different way!
 We started at Missy's...McKena insisted on a bouquet of red roses for me :) and decorated a little cake...
 Outside, Missy's kitchen window, we watched a mama robin tend to her nest...it's right there in the middle.
 At Jay's, the girls presented me with a bouquet of red roses :) and a headlamp for my early-morning walks
 Then, we went to the farm, where the children presented me with a beautiful bouquet of flowers!
 And little Durham entertained us with a Mexican hat dance...Brooklyn modeled her southern belle costume for her State report on Louisiana...I forgot to take photos at Dallin's...I was too busy eating a piece of blueberry pie he had ready for me!  It was a happy Mother's Day, for sure!

 Monday morning, I couldn't resist taking some close-ups of the flowers...the pink ones are from Reed!!

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